The CodeBug Team
The CodeBug team are makers and inventors that are passionate about technology, science and education. The team have a rich history of building gadgets and gizmos that inspire young people; their bullet-time camera rig has featured in The Royal Institution Christmas Lectures and Blue Peter! The team are also responsible for developing the best selling Raspberry Pi add-ons, the PiFace range, and associated educational resources.Dr. Andrew Robinson
Andrew is the project leader for CodeBug and Honorary Research Fellow of the University of Manchester, where previously he completed his PhD in low power embedded processors. Andrew can trace his enthusiasm for electronics and computers back to building a working model lighthouse aged 5.
Thomas Macpherson-Pope
Thomas, the CodeBug board engineer, is always tinkering with design. After gaining experience with PCB design in helping to create PiFace and Microstack product ranges, designing the board for CodeBug proved a far more involved challenge. After many iterations, CodeBug’s cute iconic form was born, and it’s huge array of features were squeezed onto the pocketable board.
Thomas Preston
Thomas writes the software which makes the board tick! As an open source enthusiast he has years of experience writing code on a range of projects but this has been his biggest challenge yet. From CodeBug’s drag and drop blocks to making the LEDs shine, his work is at every stage of CodeBug’s software stack.
Thanks for all your help
CodeBug wouldn’t be a success without help from the following people:
- Fablab Manchester
- Dawn Hewitson, Educational Consultancy
- Lisa, Amy & Dan Mather
Translations by
- Ariane Borfiga
- Andreas Lüdeke
- Philip
- David Nottebohm-Knochenhauer
- Bruno Caillier
- Niels Swinkels
- Karsten Müller
- Ralf Müller
- Rob Van Bakel
- Francois
- Rodrigo Santiago
- Laurent Feltz
- Tom Gislev
- Henrik Brandt Pankoke
- Saban Safak
- Szymon
- Adam Walczuk
- Juan Leal
- Krzysztof Streflik
- Barna Péter Gergő
- David Glaude
- Vincent van Beveren
- Adam Walczuk
- Barna Péter Gergő
- Bela Hunor
- David Gomez Sevilla
- Leah Dér Leonóra
- Chris Dorna
- Martin Jerabek
- Dr. George Hloupis
- Hyunuk Yang
- Joakim Piläng
- Kiyoshi Eto
- Laurent Le Goff
- Roger Zollinger
We were successfully funded on Kickstarter with help from all of these amazing people:
Adam Welch, Adrian McEwen, Alan McDonald, Alessandro Marra, Alex, Alex Eames - RasPi.TV, Alison Earnshaw, Amy Brudin, Andras Low, Andrea Atherton, Andrew Barclay, Andrew Batey, Andrew Deakin, Andrew Holmes, Andrew Oakley, Andrew Wright, Andy Buckingham, Andy Chaplin, Andy Powell, Andy Wilson, Angela DeHart, Ann Wagstaff, Anthony Goodhew, Anthony Harrison, Anthony Lupinetti, Are Tysland, Arnaud Meurant, Ashley Unitt, Atilla Jónás, August Flassig, Avinash Magdum, Barany, Ben Davies, Ben Dyer, Ben Nuttall, Ben Scarboro, Ben Wohl, Benoit Lachance, Bernd Sing, Bob Stone, Boodts, Boodts, Brett Lawler, Brian Lee, Brian Lees, Brian P Smith, Bruce Wiggins, Bruno Cruz, C Breyley, Carl Monk, Carlos Izsak, Carolyn, Carrie Anne Philbin, Catherine Lamin, Charles McKnight, Charley Sullivan, Chris Allen, Chris Brind, Chris Jennings, Chris Luke, Christine Martinez Harvey, Claire Dodd, Claire Garside, Claire Jackson, Claire Robinson, Clare Greenhalgh, Clare Macrae, Clovis Fritzen, Creative Computing Club, DR MICHAEL POPE, Damian Bevan, Dan Pollack, Daniel Egger, Daniel Miller, Darren A Yanosy, Darren Clarke, Darren Goodwin, Dave Manton, Dave Thwaites, David, David Batty, David Bower, David Clayton, David Darlington, David Gouge, David Hearn, David Hochrein, David Honess, David John Ames, David M Saul, David Martin Lawton, David W, David Williams, Derek Carr, Derek Roberts, Dirk Schiphorst, Discovery Project Education, Dj Walker-Morgan, Donald Simpson, Donna Rawling, Doug Jefferies, Dougie Lawson, Dr Tracy Gardner, Drew W, Duncan Hull, Eben Upton, Ed Ang, Elliot Bendoly, Emma Ryal, Eric Chu, Erika Gili, Errietta Kostala, Fernando, Fernando Garcia Winterling, Frank, Frank Carver, Frank Oxener, Fredrik Frippe Johansson, Gabriele Bellini, Gareth Jones, Garry Lancaster, Gary, Genevieve Smith-Nunes, Geoff Riley, Gnana, Graham Ford, Grant Peter, Greg Fenton, Hannah, Hannah Searle, Harry, Harry Matthie, Hazel Plater, Heather Marshall, Heiko W. Rupp, Howard Cairns, Ian Pearson, Ian Saturley, Jaakko Tammela, Jacek Kubacki, Jairuz Agang-ang, James Bancroft, James Fletcher, James Hannam, James Hughes, James Mills, James Pearson, James Taplin, Jane Mountney, Jen Gupta, Jenine Beekhuyzen, Jenny, Jenny Hart, Jim Cook, Jim Evans, Jim Gwynn, Jo Ness, Joe, John, John Bacas, John Catnach, John Maclean, John Paffett, John Simmons, Jon, Jon Cross, Jon Hall, Jon Pearce, Jonathan Salmon, Josh Gerdes, João Alves, Juergen Pintaske, Justin Benore, Kaden Kirkham, Kaveh, Ken Boak, Kevin Hainsworth, Kevin Lumpkin, Koen Tavernier, Kristina Durivage, Leo Smiers, Leo de Blaauw, Leon Chaffey, Les Pounder, Lisa Chan Brown, Lisa Mather, Liz Smart, Low Laszlo, Luc Stepniewski, Lucy Rogers, Luis Eduardo Partichelli Potrich, Magnus Göransson, Malcolm Campbell, Marcus Heap, Marcus Lang, Mark Garner, Mark Gilchrist, Mark Pearce, Mark Pearson, Martin Glassborow, Martin Hughes, Martin Peck, Mary Farmer, Matt Sendorek, Matthew Miller, Maureen Tumenas, Meredith Martin, Michael, Michael Hague, Michael Merrick, Michael Rimicans, Mike Cook, Mike Jupp, Mike Little, Mike Mason, Mike McGlade, Mike Redrobe, Mikhail Mishan, Mim Sanders, Mini GirlGeek, Mónika Ferencz, Nancy Turner, Neil Bizzell, Neil Ford, Neil Rickus, Neil Walker, Nicholas O'Leary, Nicholas Tollervey, Nick Boers, Nick Efford, Nick Hines, Nick L, Nigel Blades, NotesCoder, Oliver Bresser, PCs for Me, Paolo Chiarabaglio, Paul Appleby, Paul Barber, Paul Bokel, Paul Brown, Paul Court, Paul Ionescu, Paul Leedham, Paul Morgan, Paul Nutter, Paul Scott, Paul Stanyon, Paul Watson, Paul Whelan, Paul Wright, Paulo Marini, Pete Lomas, Phi, Phil Willis, Philip Le Riche, Philip Moffitt, Pimoroni Ltd, Pål-Erik Skjørdal Martinsen, Rachel Carney, Rachel Rayns, Richard Everett, Richard Hayler, Richard Ruston, Richard Thomas, Richard Wise, Rick Conklin, Rick Schrader, Rob Brammeld, Rob van Bakel, Robert C Nordling, Robert Meijer, Robin Bowes, Roger Clark, Romilly Cocking, Rosie Holliday, Rupert Wood, Ry, Ryanteck LTD., Sandy Boyd, Scott Bitz, Scott Turner, Sean Bechhofer, Sean Clark, Sean Oxspring, Seimon Morris, Sheli Blackburn, Simon, Simon Bromley, Simon Carter, Simon Green, Simon Hagan, Simon Hanson, Simon Haughton, Simon Walters, Sjoerd Dirk Meijer, Spencer Organ, Srihari Yamanoor, SteVader, Stefan Hird, Steinar Barbakken, Stephen ConnoR, Stephen De Gabrielle, Stephen Kitt, Stephen Stead, Stephen Swindley, Steve Cox, Steve Elliott, Steve Holden, Steve Paget, Steve Robinson, Steve Winder, Stewart Watkiss, Stijn Grootaerdt, Stuart Ruffell, Stuart Stanley, Sukkin Pang, Sway Humphries, Taylor Russi, The Pi Hut, Tim Moore, Tim Richardson, Tim Smith, Tohru Ochiai, Tom Gislev, Tony Hughes, Una Alexia Karlsen, Victoria Black, Vincent Lau, Wil Currie, William Baker, Wolfram Kraus, chirstyinnovations, chris thompson, christine, darren dancey, dave riley, david riley, eineki, jon rogers, karl turner, martin lawrence, msheerin, randbits, sean hynes, sgllama, twotabstim, zabbas and Óscar Saboya Gómez.

Dr. Andrew Robinson

Thomas Macpherson-Pope
Embedded Engineer